Implementing Deep Neural Network from scratch

In [280]:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import math

def softmax(z):
    z -= np.max(z, axis=1, keepdims=True)
    ans = np.exp(z) / np.sum(np.exp(z), axis=1, keepdims=True)
    return ans

def relu(z):
    z[z < 0] = 0
    return z

def relu_prime(z):
    z[z <= 0] = 0
    z[z > 0] = 1
    return z

# Just for the sake of saving  computing time to recalculate y_hat in each mini_batch
def stochastic_J(w1, w2, y_hat, images, labels, alpha=0.):
    x = images
    y = labels
    m = x.shape[0]
    cost_mat = np.multiply(y, np.log(y_hat))
    cost = (-1. / m) * np.sum(np.sum(cost_mat, axis=1))
    # Regularize
    cost += (alpha/(2 * m)) * (np.linalg.norm(w1) + np.linalg.norm(w2))
    return cost

def J(w1, w2, b1, b2, images, labels, alpha=0.):
    x = images
    y = labels
    m = x.shape[0]
    h1, y_hat = feedforward(w1, w2, b1, b2, x, y)
    cost_mat = np.multiply(y, np.log(y_hat))
    cost = (-1. / m) * np.sum(np.sum(cost_mat, axis=1))
    # Regularize
    cost += (alpha/(2 * m)) * (np.linalg.norm(w1) + np.linalg.norm(w2))
    return cost

def feedforward(w1, w2, b1, b2, images, labels):
    x = images
    h1 = relu( + b1)
    y_hat = softmax( + b2)
    return h1, y_hat

def grad_layer2(h1, y_hat, w1, w2, images, labels, alpha=0.):
    y = labels
    m = y.shape[0]
    dJ_dz2 = (y_hat - y)/m
    dJ_dw2 =
    dJ_dw2 += (alpha/m) * w2
    dJ_b2 = np.sum(dJ_dz2, axis=0, keepdims=True)
    return dJ_dw2, dJ_b2

def grad_layer1(h1, y_hat, w1, w2, images, labels, alpha=0.):
    x = images
    y = labels
    m = y.shape[0]
    dJ_dz2 = (y_hat - y)/m
    dJ_dh1 =
    g = dJ_dh1 * relu_prime(  # dJ/dz1
    dJ_dw1 =
    # Regularize
    dJ_dw1 += (alpha/m) * w1
    dJ_db1 = np.sum(g, axis=0, keepdims=True)
    return dJ_dw1, dJ_db1

def sgd(train_images, train_labels, val_images, val_labels, h_nodes, epsilon, batch_size, epochs, alpha=0., searching=False):
    x = train_images
    y = train_labels
    sample_size, dimensions = x.shape
    classes = y.shape[1]
    cost_history = np.array([])

    w1_range = math.sqrt(1./dimensions)
    w1 = np.random.uniform(-w1_range, w1_range, (h_nodes, dimensions))
    b1 = np.ones((1, h_nodes)) * 0.1
    w2_range = math.sqrt(1./h_nodes)
    w2 = np.random.uniform(-w2_range, w2_range, (classes, h_nodes))
    b2 = np.ones((1, classes)) * 0.1

    num_batches = sample_size / batch_size
    for e in xrange(epochs):
        batch_history = np.array([])

        x_y = np.append(x, y, axis=1)
        x_s = x_y[:, :dimensions]
        y_s = x_y[:, dimensions:]
        for i in xrange(num_batches):
            start = i * batch_size
            end = start + batch_size
            x_batch = x_s[start:end]
            y_batch = y_s[start:end]
            # Do feedforward pass
            h1, y_hat = feedforward(w1, w2, b1, b2, x_batch, y_batch)
            # Find dJ/dw1 and dJ/d1
            gradw1, gradb1 = grad_layer1(h1, y_hat, w1, w2, x_batch, y_batch, alpha)
            # Find dJ/dw2 and dJ/dwb2
            gradw2, gradb2 = grad_layer2(h1, y_hat, w1, w2, x_batch, y_batch, alpha)
            w1 -= (epsilon * gradw1)
            b1 -= (epsilon * gradb1)
            w2 -= (epsilon * gradw2)
            b2 -= (epsilon * gradb2)
            # Cost of current mini-batch
            cost = stochastic_J(w1, w2, y_hat, x_batch, y_batch, alpha)
            # List of costs for all the mini-batches in current epoch
            batch_history = np.append(batch_history, cost)

        epoch_cost = np.mean(batch_history)
        # List of costs for epochs
        cost_history = np.append(cost_history, epoch_cost)
        # Accuracy of on validation data set after each epoch
        validation_acc = report_accuracy(w1, w2, b1, b2, val_images, val_labels)
        if e % 2 == 0:
            print("Epochs: %d Cost: %.5f Validation Acc: %.2f ||w1||: %.5f ||w2||: %.5f" % (
                e, epoch_cost, validation_acc, np.linalg.norm(w1), np.linalg.norm(w2)))

    if searching:
        # When searching best hyperparameters, return final cost (last element in cost_history) and
        # final validation accuracy. These will be heuristics when choosing the best hyperparameters
        return cost_history[-1], validation_acc

    plt.plot(np.linspace(epochs-20, epochs, 20), cost_history[-20:], label="Training Cost")
    plt.ylabel('Training Cost')
    plt.title("Cross-entropy cost values")
    return w1, w2, b1, b2

def reportCosts(w1, w2, b1, b2, trainImg , trainLbl, valiImg, valiLbl, testImg, testLbl, alpha=0.):
    print "Training cost: {}".format(J(w1, w2, b1, b2, trainImg, trainLbl, alpha))
    print "Validation cost:  {}".format(J(w1, w2, b1, b2, valiImg, valiLbl, alpha))
    print "Testing cost:  {}".format(J(w1, w2, b1, b2, testImg, testLbl, alpha))

def report_accuracy(w1, w2, b1, b2, images, labels):
    h1, y_hat = feedforward(w1, w2, b1, b2, images, labels)
    acc = np.mean(np.argmax(y_hat, axis=1) == np.argmax(labels, axis=1))
    return acc * 100

def predict(images, labels, w1, w2, b1, b2):
    h1, y_hat = feedforward(w1, w2, b1, b2, images, labels)
    predicted = np.argmax(y_hat)
    real = np.argmax(labels)
    return predicted, real

def findBestHyperparameters(train_images, train_labels, val_images, val_labels):
    h_nodes = [20, 20, 60, 50, 80, 30, 60, 40, 60, 20, 80, 80]
    l_rate = [0.33, 1e-2, 0.4, 0.15, 0.001, 0.01, 0.006, 0.06, 0.2, 0.007, 0.15, 0.1]
    b_size = [100, 250, 50, 125, 500, 275, 88, 40, 100, 625, 50, 25]
    alpha = [0, 0.8, 0.02, 1e2, 5.0, 0.2, 0.3, 0.7, 0.05, 0.1, 0.02, 0.9]
    epochs = [10, 20, 50, 10, 30, 40, 30, 20, 50, 10, 30, 40]
    min_cost = 100
    max_acc = 0
    best = 0
    for i in range(12):
        print ("[%d] Trying parameters - Hidden Nodes: %d Learning Rate: %.6f Batch Size: %d Alpha: %.3f Epochs: %d" % (
            i, h_nodes[i], l_rate[i], b_size[i], alpha[i], epochs[i]))
        cost, acc = sgd(train_images, train_labels, val_images, val_labels,
                        h_nodes[i], l_rate[i], b_size[i], epochs[i], alpha[i], searching=True)
        if cost < min_cost:
            min_cost = cost
            best = i
        if acc > max_acc:
            max_acc = acc
            best = i
        print ("Current best parameters - Hidden Nodes: %d Learning Rate: %.6f Batch Size: %d Alpha: %.3f Epochs: %d" %
               (h_nodes[best], l_rate[best], b_size[best], alpha[best], epochs[best]))

    return h_nodes[best], l_rate[best], b_size[best], alpha[best], epochs[best]

#####CHECK GRAD######
def checkgrad_unpack(w, images, labels):
    w1_idx = images.shape[1] * hidden_nodes
    b1_idx = hidden_nodes
    w2_idx = labels.shape[1] * hidden_nodes
    b2_idx = 10
    w1 = np.reshape(w[:w1_idx], (hidden_nodes, images.shape[1]))
    b1 = np.reshape(w[w1_idx:w1_idx + b1_idx], (1, hidden_nodes))
    w2 = np.reshape(w[w1_idx + b1_idx:w1_idx + b1_idx + w2_idx], (labels.shape[1], hidden_nodes))
    b2 = np.reshape(w[w1_idx + b1_idx + w2_idx:], (1, 10))
    return w1, b1, w2, b2

def checkgrad_cost(w, images, labels, alpha=.0):
    w1, b1, w2, b2 = checkgrad_unpack(w, images, labels)
    cost = J(w1, w2, b1, b2, images, labels, alpha)
    return cost

def checkgrad_grad(w, images, labels, alpha=.0):
    w1, b1, w2, b2 = checkgrad_unpack(w, images, labels)
    h1, y_hat = feedforward(w1, w2, b1, b2, images, labels)
    gw2, gb2 = grad_layer2(h1, y_hat, w1, w2, images, labels, alpha)
    gw1, gb1 = grad_layer1(h1, y_hat, w1, w2, images, labels, alpha)
    final_w = np.concatenate((gw1.flatten(), gb1.flatten(), gw2.flatten(), gb2.flatten()))
    return final_w
#####END OF CHECK GRAD######

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # Load data
    if 'trainingImages' not in globals():
        trainingImages = np.load("mnist_train_images.npy")
        trainingLabels = np.load("mnist_train_labels.npy")
        validationImages = np.load("mnist_validation_images.npy")
        validationLabels = np.load("mnist_validation_labels.npy")
        testingImages = np.load("mnist_test_images.npy")
        testingLabels = np.load("mnist_test_labels.npy")

    import time

    start = time.time()
    hidden_nodes, learning_rate, batch_size, ridge_term, epochs = findBestHyperparameters(trainingImages, trainingLabels,
                                                                                          validationImages, validationLabels)

    print ("Best parameters - Hidden Nodes: %d Learning Rate: %.6f Batch Size: %d Alpha: %.3f Epochs: %d" %
           (hidden_nodes, learning_rate, batch_size, ridge_term, epochs))
    w_1, w_2, b_1, b_2 = sgd(trainingImages, trainingLabels, validationImages, validationLabels,
                             hidden_nodes, learning_rate, batch_size, epochs, ridge_term)

    # from scipy.optimize import check_grad
    # checkgrad_w = np.concatenate((w_1.flatten(), b_1.flatten(), w_2.flatten(), b_2.flatten()))
    # print ("Check grad value is ", check_grad(checkgrad_cost, checkgrad_grad, checkgrad_w,
    #                                           trainingImages[1:100], trainingLabels[1:100],ridge_term))

    dt = int(time.time() - start)
    print("Execution time %d sec" % dt)

    reportCosts(w_1, w_2, b_1, b_2, trainingImages, trainingLabels, validationImages, validationLabels, testingImages, testingLabels)
    print "Accuracy on Validation set: ", report_accuracy(w_1, w_2, b_1, b_2, validationImages, validationLabels), "%"
    print "Accuracy on Testing set: ", report_accuracy(w_1, w_2, b_1, b_2, testingImages, testingLabels), "%"

[0] Trying parameters - Hidden Nodes: 20 Learning Rate: 0.330000 Batch Size: 100 Alpha: 0.000 Epochs: 10
Epochs: 0 Cost: 0.41497 Validation Acc: 93.28 ||w1||: 7.51075 ||w2||: 6.44220
Epochs: 5 Cost: 0.13551 Validation Acc: 95.92 ||w1||: 12.61237 ||w2||: 9.54326
Current best parameters - Hidden Nodes: 20 Learning Rate: 0.330000 Batch Size: 100 Alpha: 0.000 Epochs: 10
[1] Trying parameters - Hidden Nodes: 20 Learning Rate: 0.010000 Batch Size: 250 Alpha: 0.800 Epochs: 20
Epochs: 0 Cost: 2.07062 Validation Acc: 58.24 ||w1||: 2.71787 ||w2||: 2.04306
Epochs: 5 Cost: 0.57345 Validation Acc: 87.40 ||w1||: 4.16195 ||w2||: 3.80436
Epochs: 10 Cost: 0.43070 Validation Acc: 89.92 ||w1||: 4.63863 ||w2||: 4.35073
Epochs: 15 Cost: 0.38614 Validation Acc: 90.72 ||w1||: 4.87203 ||w2||: 4.62375
Current best parameters - Hidden Nodes: 20 Learning Rate: 0.330000 Batch Size: 100 Alpha: 0.000 Epochs: 10
[2] Trying parameters - Hidden Nodes: 60 Learning Rate: 0.400000 Batch Size: 50 Alpha: 0.020 Epochs: 50
Epochs: 0 Cost: 0.29908 Validation Acc: 95.24 ||w1||: 11.04578 ||w2||: 7.77903
Epochs: 5 Cost: 0.07861 Validation Acc: 97.48 ||w1||: 14.07130 ||w2||: 10.04944
Epochs: 10 Cost: 0.06458 Validation Acc: 97.36 ||w1||: 14.26709 ||w2||: 10.45752
Epochs: 15 Cost: 0.06203 Validation Acc: 97.74 ||w1||: 14.33891 ||w2||: 10.57245
Epochs: 20 Cost: 0.06065 Validation Acc: 97.42 ||w1||: 14.44187 ||w2||: 10.60333
Epochs: 25 Cost: 0.06037 Validation Acc: 97.52 ||w1||: 14.52733 ||w2||: 10.62676
Epochs: 30 Cost: 0.05962 Validation Acc: 97.78 ||w1||: 14.65208 ||w2||: 10.66098
Epochs: 35 Cost: 0.06012 Validation Acc: 97.64 ||w1||: 14.70813 ||w2||: 10.63496
Epochs: 40 Cost: 0.05979 Validation Acc: 97.86 ||w1||: 14.72494 ||w2||: 10.64089
Epochs: 45 Cost: 0.06050 Validation Acc: 97.56 ||w1||: 14.81370 ||w2||: 10.64385
Current best parameters - Hidden Nodes: 60 Learning Rate: 0.400000 Batch Size: 50 Alpha: 0.020 Epochs: 50
[3] Trying parameters - Hidden Nodes: 50 Learning Rate: 0.150000 Batch Size: 125 Alpha: 100.000 Epochs: 10
Epochs: 0 Cost: 2.35150 Validation Acc: 11.26 ||w1||: 0.00223 ||w2||: 0.01669
Epochs: 5 Cost: 2.30920 Validation Acc: 11.26 ||w1||: 0.00000 ||w2||: 0.01103
Current best parameters - Hidden Nodes: 60 Learning Rate: 0.400000 Batch Size: 50 Alpha: 0.020 Epochs: 50
[4] Trying parameters - Hidden Nodes: 80 Learning Rate: 0.001000 Batch Size: 500 Alpha: 5.000 Epochs: 30
Epochs: 0 Cost: 2.33139 Validation Acc: 9.16 ||w1||: 5.15868 ||w2||: 1.80878
Epochs: 5 Cost: 2.21472 Validation Acc: 37.78 ||w1||: 5.13701 ||w2||: 1.81968
Epochs: 10 Cost: 2.08750 Validation Acc: 56.70 ||w1||: 5.12682 ||w2||: 1.86402
Epochs: 15 Cost: 1.93956 Validation Acc: 64.40 ||w1||: 5.12920 ||w2||: 1.94104
Epochs: 20 Cost: 1.77559 Validation Acc: 69.16 ||w1||: 5.14425 ||w2||: 2.04682
Epochs: 25 Cost: 1.60739 Validation Acc: 72.60 ||w1||: 5.17031 ||w2||: 2.17321
Current best parameters - Hidden Nodes: 60 Learning Rate: 0.400000 Batch Size: 50 Alpha: 0.020 Epochs: 50
[5] Trying parameters - Hidden Nodes: 30 Learning Rate: 0.010000 Batch Size: 275 Alpha: 0.200 Epochs: 40
Epochs: 0 Cost: 2.07047 Validation Acc: 65.60 ||w1||: 3.28801 ||w2||: 1.98791
Epochs: 5 Cost: 0.57476 Validation Acc: 87.24 ||w1||: 4.55237 ||w2||: 3.75873
Epochs: 10 Cost: 0.42447 Validation Acc: 89.46 ||w1||: 5.04445 ||w2||: 4.35880
Epochs: 15 Cost: 0.37618 Validation Acc: 90.52 ||w1||: 5.31415 ||w2||: 4.68176
Epochs: 20 Cost: 0.35025 Validation Acc: 91.16 ||w1||: 5.49571 ||w2||: 4.89894
Epochs: 25 Cost: 0.33246 Validation Acc: 91.62 ||w1||: 5.63402 ||w2||: 5.06490
Epochs: 30 Cost: 0.31846 Validation Acc: 92.02 ||w1||: 5.74900 ||w2||: 5.20325
Epochs: 35 Cost: 0.30662 Validation Acc: 92.24 ||w1||: 5.84969 ||w2||: 5.32467
Current best parameters - Hidden Nodes: 60 Learning Rate: 0.400000 Batch Size: 50 Alpha: 0.020 Epochs: 50
[6] Trying parameters - Hidden Nodes: 60 Learning Rate: 0.006000 Batch Size: 88 Alpha: 0.300 Epochs: 30
Epochs: 0 Cost: 1.85745 Validation Acc: 75.48 ||w1||: 4.69971 ||w2||: 2.42242
Epochs: 5 Cost: 0.44482 Validation Acc: 89.80 ||w1||: 5.70339 ||w2||: 4.29273
Epochs: 10 Cost: 0.37155 Validation Acc: 91.04 ||w1||: 5.88333 ||w2||: 4.71661
Epochs: 15 Cost: 0.34132 Validation Acc: 92.00 ||w1||: 5.93322 ||w2||: 4.93416
Epochs: 20 Cost: 0.32161 Validation Acc: 92.40 ||w1||: 5.94767 ||w2||: 5.08296
Epochs: 25 Cost: 0.30672 Validation Acc: 92.78 ||w1||: 5.95268 ||w2||: 5.20033
Current best parameters - Hidden Nodes: 60 Learning Rate: 0.400000 Batch Size: 50 Alpha: 0.020 Epochs: 50
[7] Trying parameters - Hidden Nodes: 40 Learning Rate: 0.060000 Batch Size: 40 Alpha: 0.700 Epochs: 20
Epochs: 0 Cost: 0.62573 Validation Acc: 91.12 ||w1||: 4.12915 ||w2||: 4.05211
Epochs: 5 Cost: 0.45277 Validation Acc: 91.28 ||w1||: 4.14414 ||w2||: 4.07845
Epochs: 10 Cost: 0.45466 Validation Acc: 91.38 ||w1||: 4.15504 ||w2||: 4.06998
Epochs: 15 Cost: 0.45591 Validation Acc: 91.00 ||w1||: 4.14180 ||w2||: 4.06377
Current best parameters - Hidden Nodes: 60 Learning Rate: 0.400000 Batch Size: 50 Alpha: 0.020 Epochs: 50
[8] Trying parameters - Hidden Nodes: 60 Learning Rate: 0.200000 Batch Size: 100 Alpha: 0.050 Epochs: 50
Epochs: 0 Cost: 0.44322 Validation Acc: 92.70 ||w1||: 7.20899 ||w2||: 5.87108
Epochs: 5 Cost: 0.11636 Validation Acc: 96.88 ||w1||: 9.87733 ||w2||: 8.58640
Epochs: 10 Cost: 0.08391 Validation Acc: 97.12 ||w1||: 10.78053 ||w2||: 9.52723
Epochs: 15 Cost: 0.07041 Validation Acc: 97.24 ||w1||: 11.22079 ||w2||: 10.01576
Epochs: 20 Cost: 0.06378 Validation Acc: 97.52 ||w1||: 11.44824 ||w2||: 10.28598
Epochs: 25 Cost: 0.05955 Validation Acc: 97.62 ||w1||: 11.59437 ||w2||: 10.46152
Epochs: 30 Cost: 0.05670 Validation Acc: 97.72 ||w1||: 11.70040 ||w2||: 10.57608
Epochs: 35 Cost: 0.05484 Validation Acc: 97.86 ||w1||: 11.77396 ||w2||: 10.65883
Epochs: 40 Cost: 0.05347 Validation Acc: 97.68 ||w1||: 11.82604 ||w2||: 10.70579
Epochs: 45 Cost: 0.05247 Validation Acc: 97.88 ||w1||: 11.87155 ||w2||: 10.74038
Current best parameters - Hidden Nodes: 60 Learning Rate: 0.200000 Batch Size: 100 Alpha: 0.050 Epochs: 50
[9] Trying parameters - Hidden Nodes: 20 Learning Rate: 0.007000 Batch Size: 625 Alpha: 0.100 Epochs: 10
Epochs: 0 Cost: 2.26746 Validation Acc: 24.22 ||w1||: 2.58916 ||w2||: 1.72697
Epochs: 5 Cost: 1.58384 Validation Acc: 73.86 ||w1||: 2.93795 ||w2||: 2.22776
Current best parameters - Hidden Nodes: 60 Learning Rate: 0.200000 Batch Size: 100 Alpha: 0.050 Epochs: 50
[10] Trying parameters - Hidden Nodes: 80 Learning Rate: 0.150000 Batch Size: 50 Alpha: 0.020 Epochs: 30
Epochs: 0 Cost: 0.37593 Validation Acc: 94.66 ||w1||: 8.26873 ||w2||: 6.42888
Epochs: 5 Cost: 0.08911 Validation Acc: 97.22 ||w1||: 11.34570 ||w2||: 9.47413
Epochs: 10 Cost: 0.06234 Validation Acc: 97.48 ||w1||: 12.18599 ||w2||: 10.40605
Epochs: 15 Cost: 0.05260 Validation Acc: 97.76 ||w1||: 12.51723 ||w2||: 10.83352
Epochs: 20 Cost: 0.04773 Validation Acc: 97.66 ||w1||: 12.67505 ||w2||: 11.05752
Epochs: 25 Cost: 0.04505 Validation Acc: 97.84 ||w1||: 12.76934 ||w2||: 11.18493
Current best parameters - Hidden Nodes: 80 Learning Rate: 0.150000 Batch Size: 50 Alpha: 0.020 Epochs: 30
[11] Trying parameters - Hidden Nodes: 80 Learning Rate: 0.100000 Batch Size: 25 Alpha: 0.900 Epochs: 40
Epochs: 0 Cost: 0.71574 Validation Acc: 88.40 ||w1||: 3.49903 ||w2||: 3.45370
Epochs: 5 Cost: 0.67339 Validation Acc: 89.34 ||w1||: 3.48806 ||w2||: 3.43855
Epochs: 10 Cost: 0.70862 Validation Acc: 82.32 ||w1||: 3.55546 ||w2||: 3.52433
Epochs: 15 Cost: 0.77323 Validation Acc: 84.62 ||w1||: 3.63403 ||w2||: 3.58690
Epochs: 20 Cost: 0.87051 Validation Acc: 65.74 ||w1||: 3.76783 ||w2||: 3.70966
Epochs: 25 Cost: 0.97747 Validation Acc: 86.26 ||w1||: 3.99078 ||w2||: 3.84174
Epochs: 30 Cost: 1.19869 Validation Acc: 60.14 ||w1||: 4.35485 ||w2||: 4.19946
Epochs: 35 Cost: 1.67512 Validation Acc: 69.32 ||w1||: 4.73911 ||w2||: 4.45398
Current best parameters - Hidden Nodes: 80 Learning Rate: 0.150000 Batch Size: 50 Alpha: 0.020 Epochs: 30
IndexError                                Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-280-18be873c0fa6> in <module>()
    229     start = time.time()
    230     hidden_nodes, learning_rate, batch_size, ridge_term, epochs = findBestHyperparameters(trainingImages, trainingLabels,
--> 231                                                                                           validationImages, validationLabels)
    232 #     hidden_nodes, learning_rate, batch_size, ridge_term, epochs = 80, 0.15, 50, 0.02, 40
    233     print ("Best parameters - Hidden Nodes: %d Learning Rate: %.6f Batch Size: %d Alpha: %.3f Epochs: %d" %

<ipython-input-280-18be873c0fa6> in findBestHyperparameters(train_images, train_labels, val_images, val_labels)
    173     for i in range(13):
    174         print ("[%d] Trying parameters - Hidden Nodes: %d Learning Rate: %.6f Batch Size: %d Alpha: %.3f Epochs: %d" % (
--> 175             i, h_nodes[i], l_rate[i], b_size[i], alpha[i], epochs[i]))
    176         cost, acc = sgd(train_images, train_labels, val_images, val_labels,
    177                         h_nodes[i], l_rate[i], b_size[i], epochs[i], alpha[i], searching=True)

IndexError: list index out of range

In [269]:
image = np.zeros((28,28))
        for i in xrange(0,10):
            temp = w1[i].reshape(28,28)
            image = np.concatenate((image,temp), axis=1)
        img_plt = plt.imshow(image, cmap='gray')

In [270]:
image = np.zeros((28,28))
        for i in xrange(10,20):
            temp = w1[i].reshape(28,28)
            image = np.concatenate((image,temp), axis=1)
        img_plt = plt.imshow(image, cmap='gray')

In [271]:
image = np.zeros((28,28))
        for i in xrange(20,30):
            temp = w1[i].reshape(28,28)
            image = np.concatenate((image,temp), axis=1)
        img_plt = plt.imshow(image, cmap='gray')

In [272]:
image = w1[9].reshape(28,28)
img_plt = plt.imshow(image, cmap='gray')

Visual Check for test images and predicted labels

In [273]:
def draw_image(x, y, title_str, drawTest = False):
    for c in range(1, 10):
        plt.subplot(3, 3,c)
        i = np.random.randint(x.shape[0]) 
        predicted, real = predict(x[i], y[i], w1, w2, b1, b2)
        im = testingImages[i].reshape((28,28)) 
        label = predicted
        plt.title("{} = {}".format(title_str, label))
        plt.imshow(im, cmap='gray')

In [274]:
draw_image(testingImages, testingLabels, "Label")